Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Rejoice In The Lord

This morning it is more then evident to me that God is my reason for being and
that I need him to be there in every way.  I can never be anything without Him.  I
know that everyone who may read this needs him too!  Rejoice is the only word
that comes to my mind.  For God is worthy of all Praise!  

When I started this Blog I was not quite sure it was the right thing to do but as 
of yesterday I know it was.  I had a horrible day!  Does that sound strange?  It
shouldn't...  Almost inevitably when you are doing something right for God the
enemy seeks to destroy it.  It is written in the Word of God to Rejoice in your 
James 1:2 
When troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy.

So today I am happy knowing that I am doing the right thing for God in sharing 
what I have learned of Him with whoever may read this.  I rejoice in the
knowledge that I have touched the hem of His garment and I am excited in the
waiting for His blessings.  

I pray that all may have a blessed day in the Lord!  

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