Thursday, March 29, 2012

Sweet Peace

It seems sometimes that it is next to impossible to find "Peace" in daily
living.  With the cost of living being so outrageous and prices going up
everyday,  there is always something we are all concerned about.  Then 
there are other things in our lives that bring us worry...  our children, our
marriages, our friends and our jobs.  By the time a day is over the mental
exhaustion is overwhelming.  I have come to a point that I can only depend
upon God for the "Peace" I need at the end of the day and many times 
during the day.    

I ponder on a scripture, I say a silent prayer or I just plain pray out loud if
I can't seem to get hold of the things that are determined to control my 
mental well being.  The chaos is not what God desires for us.  Peace and 
love is what He wants for each one of us.  His word confirms that many 

        2 Timothy 1:6 
        For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of 
        love, and of a sound mind.
The answers all lie in His word!  I have found no greater solution then to go
to God's word and prayer to bring peace into my life.  I hope the same for you!

May the peace of God surround each one of those who read this little entry 
today!  God Bless You All!

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