Saturday, May 25, 2013

God Is Always the Answer

Being a christian doesn't make us immune to problems, however it does mean
that we have an answer.  That answer always being God.  To often we try to
look for worldly ways to bring an end to everyday issues and forget that no
matter what it is...  God has it under control.  Satan would have you to believe 
that God has forgotten you or that God is punishing you or that the problem
is to small to bother God with it.  When in fact God waits for us to tell Him what 
we need or what's going on that we need help with.

For example:  let's say you have a broken lawnmower and you are just not 
mechanical enough to fix it.  Well naturally God is not going to pull out a tool
box, but He just might send someone your way to help fix it or lay it on
someone's heart that has an extra mower to bless you with one.  There is not one
thing that God will not listen to in prayer and bless you in some way.

God is always the answer!

God Bless You All! 

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