Wednesday, May 22, 2013

We Are Always A Winner

If we keep our minds focused on the prize which is Jesus Christ our road is
definitely easier. We can never lose with God. He has promised us that if we
seek him first then all else that we need in our lives will be added.

There are days I don't feel well, there are days that I just don't feel like I
can make the effort to even get out of bed.  On those days I would like
to pull my head into a shell and just forget about everything.  But lets face it...
life just isn't like that.  The day continues on with or without my participation,
as it does yours.  I may not accomplish all I would like to on those days but I 
get up, I move a little and I realize God is still God and I thank Him for another
There have been times in my life that I have just begun praying out loud and
singing and clapping my hands and worshiping the Lord. All by myself.
On those days it is the power of God and His love that help me through the day
ahead of me or the night.  So I urge you to do as the scripture says...
Clap your hands, shout out loud unto God, raise your hands and feel His love!
You are a Winner!  Triumphant over all things in your life!

 God Bless You All!


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