Thursday, June 6, 2013

Be Happy

Have you ever noticed that when the sun is shining and the birds are singing
when you get out of bed that the world seems so much better in that day.  The
minute the sky turns grey...  our mood changes.  We have been programmed 
that way since birth.  However that very mood swing has overflowed into all we
do.  If we have ample money to do the things we need or want to...  we are 
happy.  When funds are low, so are we.  and so on... and so on...  That was not
an intention of God that we be this way.  As Christians we should pray for all we
need, for every situation we have and even for the things we want or don't want
in our lives.  We should be happy in the Lord.  Our days should start with Praise,
Prayer and Thanks Giving!  Instead of worry we should be waiting expectantly
to see how God will answer!  Remember our Faith and Belief in God is always 
being tried by the devil!  It is by Our Prayers and Our Praise that we are able to
overcome him.  

For example, let us say you don't have enough money to meet the rent...  instead
of allowing the enemy to rain on your parade, start praying and praising God and
feeling it in your very spirit, "that you can't wait to see how God will help you with
this!"   Can't you just envision the enemy cowering down knowing that God has it
all under control!  ,

So live by faith, don't worry, be happy, be blessed, God is right here!  
Just thank Him!  

I pray that God Blesses You All!

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