Monday, April 23, 2012

The Cloud Moved

Philippians 2:11
Every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord

If you are a Christian this scripture should excite you.  If you are not a Christian
know that there will come a time that you will know this scripture was meant for 
you too.  If God said it and it is part of His word it is absolute truth.  I personally
am moved by this scripture.  

I made it through childhood and my teenage years with much prayer from my 
mother and awesome guidance from the word of God.  I strayed, I made mistakes,
yet God was always with me.  I married and had children and I taught them as my
mother taught me about God.  I was in my late twenties when I felt the call of God 
on my life.  Like many I was not quite sure exactly what God wanted from me.  I
belonged to an Assembles of God Church and was asked to teach Sunday School.
It was a blessing for me to teach the little ones.  Though I was not eased in my
spirit that this is what God wanted from me.  I prayed constantly,  hoping that God
would give me another direction if there was something else He wanted me to do.
When I would pray,  the scriptures of God appearing as a cloud over the people 
Moses was leading into Canaan would come to me.  "When the cloud moved, God 
was moving"   Then one night I had a dream, "There was a church service going on,
the people were quibbling among themselves.  The children were running around and climbing over seats and making noise.  I looked up at the Pastor in question only to see him step down from the pulpit and walk away.  I watched him walk all the way to the door and leave.  I stood and took my children by the hands and walked up the aisle to the door.  As I passed a woman in the church she said, "The Spirit of God has left this place!"  and I woke up.  I tried to shake the dream and could not.  I prayed and still
the scriptures of Moses following the cloud, which was God, kept coming to me.

Exodus 13: 21-22 (NIV) 
By day the LORD went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to guide them on their way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, so that they could travel by day or night. Neither the pillar of cloud by day nor the pillar of fire by night left its place in front of the people.

I finally went to the Pastor,  he shared some things with me and also confirmed that
the dream I had was probably a gift of prophesy from God.  It seems little Church I belonged was suffering some underlying issues that I was not aware of.  The conflict among the people was keeping everyone from fully giving God the worship He deserved and the knowledge the people did need to grow.   He also shared with me that the coming Sunday would be his last service in the church.  

I fully believe that God was leading me out of the church and that the dream I shared
with the Pastor was to let him know he was making the right decision.  The "Cloud"
was God and He wanted me to be somewhere that I could grow.  The dream was the
leaving of anarchy behind me.  In all of this I learned to listen and wait for what God wanted for me.  As with me God wants you to be where you grow and are blessed.  
He wants you to serve Him in the fullness of the scriptures.  I pray this is so for all 
who read this.

I pray today that God Blesses You Abundantly!

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