Sunday, April 22, 2012

God and Me 2

I have let a few days pass since my last post.  I needed to do some pondering
and also allow the posts to sit.  Sometimes to much is just that...  to much.  I
have learned that things of God need to be meditated upon and thought through.
In todays world with everything being instantaneous we still need to ponder and
take our time with God.  There is no drive through service, He is a full course, sit 
down dinner and you need to savor every word. 
In Psalm 46:10 He says,  Be still, and know that I am God

So take your time when you read His word, when you pray and when you praise.
God is a rewarder of those who seek Him and serve Him.  

When I became a teenager,  I was oh so rebellious.  I look back now and I feel so
sorry for my parents.  However they loved me through the hard times and gave
me the support I needed to become a responsible adult.  God did the same for me.
The one thing I found out as a young adult was that God was not looking at my out
side, He was looking at my inside.  He knew my heart.  I was brought up to think
that women could not wear pants, or make-up, listen to music, watch TV, go to a
movie, bare their arms in public or dance.  A lot of this was misconstrued man made
doctrine.  Like I said, I found out through His word that He loved me right where I 
was, just like I was.  I read in God's word, that David who God said was a man after 
His own heart, danced for the Lord.  That many times in the word when God was celebrated there was dancing.  I read in Solomon that women adorned themselves,
and that this was okay with God.  Essentially I found out how to serve my God,
Your God...  In His Word!  In this Holy Ghost inspired Book are the answers to how
and what God expects you to do.  This book, this manual that God gave us is over
2,000 years old and still applies to us today.  Amen!

I pray that God blesses you abundantly today and always!


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