Friday, April 13, 2012

Prayer 5

Does God hear our prayers?  I believe the answer in yes.  Why would he not 
answer the prayers of His children.  We may not always get the answer we 
seek, but He does answer.  I also believe that "Praise and Prayer"  are of the 
utmost importance.  Letting God know that we worship Him and adore Him.  
That He is the driving force in our live.

How would you define a righteous man or woman?   Well the Synonyms  for 
"Righteous" are...    all right, decent, ethical, honest, honorable, just, moral, nice,
right, good, right minded, straight, true, upright and virtuous.  Though God knows 
we are not perfect.  This is why He sacrificed His only Son, so that we might
have an intercessor.  In His word it is written:
2 Corinthians 5:21 (NIV)
21 God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. 

So then we can find joy and peace in knowing that, Christ is our righteousness 
and God does hear our prayers.   Jesus in essence is our attorney who stands 
before God, our judge and pleads our case.   Because Jesus took all our sin 
upon Him our time has already been served...   He took our punishment.  If we 

I am not a perfect person,  I do my best,  but I am always aware that I am 
made of flesh and blood and I do make mistakes.  So I ask for God's forgiveness 
daily.  Yes He hears our prayers!  Because when we believe when we pray,  God
will see the righteousness of Christ who takes away the sin of the world.

I Pray That God Will Bless You Abundantly Today And Always! 

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