Tuesday, April 3, 2012

God Loves Us This Much

Many of us have read these words often,  so often in fact that I wonder how 
many truly think about the magnitude of this statement.  Even before the birth
of Christ it was preordained that His life would be a sacrifice for us all.  His 
mother and His earthly father knew that He was God's and that he would be 
with them for only a short while.  The anguish that they must have lived through, 
yet they were obedient to God in all things, knowing that Jesus was created by 
God for the purpose of being a sacrifice for us all.  

Put this in perspective of your own life, your own children.  How many of you 
would willingly give one of your children as a sacrifice for another child of yours?  Now think of the magnitude of this scripture.  He gave His "Only Begotten Son"  because He loves us so much!  

Did God feel pain in this loss?  Yes He did.  The word of God tells us that when Christ died upon the cross that the sky darkened.

Matthew 27:45 
Now from the sixth hour darkness fell upon all the land until the ninth hour.

I can tell you from personal experience that losing one of your children is 
something no parent should ever have to endure.  Yet God did this willingly for us!

Meet God in a new place today.  Realize how deeply He loves you and know that 
He is just waiting for you to come to Him in all things.  Thank Him for Jesus who
took upon Him our sins and grief so that we could live eternally with the Father!

May God Bless You Abundantly Today!

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