Monday, April 16, 2012

God and Me 1

There was no tragic incident which led me to God in the beginning.  I was 8 years
old when the Holy Spirit touched my heart.  I prayed the prayer of salvation even
though I may not have fully understood it's magnitude.  I read what I could of the
Bible and listened intently at Sunday School and Church.  I prayed every day and
in my child like way I witnessed to whoever would listen.  I had no idea how long 
the road was  ahead of me and all I would learn over the years.  

My mother was my best teacher and she loved the Lord.  I would kneel beside her 
in church along with my 3 little brothers.  The spirit of God was so close to her you could feel Him.  She would lift her hands in praise and thanksgiving to Him, so I followed her example.  We were not a well to do family, heck we weren't even 
middle class.  But God always supplied what we needed.  She trusted in Him totally 
and sometimes when it seemed there was no way,  God blessed us and made a way.  
Her faith was strong and unwaivering.   My Dad though was not so yielding.  He was not a bad man,  on the contrary my Dad was a good and loving man.  He and my mother just had very different ideas about God.  I sometimes wonder if their 
differences of opinion kept us from receiving the full abundance of God.  In fact I am sure that it did.  My Mom was always praying for my Dad...  Yes, God did answer 
those prayers of hers but not til years later.  God knew when my Dad would be 

Why am I writing  this little bit of Biography about myself.  I suppose so that when 
you read my Blogs you will know that I am a person that has followed a road much
like some who will read it.  So that it will be known that I have had to find my way
with God too.  That each scripture I post is because it has been personal and has
enriched my life as I hope it will yours.  I know from experience that there is not one
word of God that you can't apply to your life and know that it is for you...  the same 
as it was for me.  So read if you are interested.  Share if it Blesses you!

2 Corinthians 1:3-4(NIV)

 3 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, 4 who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God. 
I pray that God will Bless you abundantly today!


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